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DEFENDER 25% is a novel broad spectrum triazole fungicide, with active ingredient Difenoconazole (250g/l or 25%) in an EC formulation (emulsifiable concentrate), and belongs to FRAC Group 3 of fungicides. This group is the DMI’S (de-methylation inhibitors). Defender 25% is applied as a foliar spray and is a systemic fungicide with both preventative and curative action, it is absorbed by the leaves via acropetal action and has strong trans-laminar translocation. Defender 25% stops the development of fungi by interfering with the biosynthesis of sterols in the cell-membranes. 

Defender 25% controls a wide spectrum of fungi – including members of the Ascomycetes, (e.g. Powdery Mildew, Cercospora, Ascochyta, Colletotrichum, Ramularia, Apple scab, Zymoseptoria tritici and Uncinula), Basidiomycetes (Rusts, smuts, Rhizoctonia), and Deuteromycetes (Blights, Downy Mildews, Alternaria, ) families. Difenoconazole can be applied to winter & Spring Cereals, corn, Vegetables, Fruits, potatoes, sugar beet, Soybean, Nuts and ornamentals. 

Defender 25% – applied to many crops to protect yield and crop quality, has excellent compatibility with a wide range of fungicides, insecticides, Plant growth regulators, micronutrients, and bio-stimulants for further information consult our technical team.

Always read and follow the label, and adhere to application intervals, rates of application and harvest interval.

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